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Frequently Asked Questions

Even though we try to give out all the information you will need, we will have inevitably missed something.

This section will be updated over the upcoming weeks and months with questions that we get asked by students and parents in your year group. While you are welcome to email us with any questions you may have, please look here first as most questions we have been asked in discussions we have had with students in this year group are answered here. 

If you do have any further questions please email

What are the arrangements for food?

A cafeteria service provides breakfast from 8.00am and hot snacks/toast etc. during morning recess.  Hot meals, snacks, sandwiches, and vegetarian food are available at lunchtime.  The boys pay by opening a ‘User Account’ at the beginning of the year, and parents decide the weekly limit on their son's account.  Boys whose parents are in receipt of Income Support are entitled to free school meals and will have an identical ‘User Account’.  Boys who bring sandwiches must eat them in the canteen.

How can I stop my son from losing key items?

  • Books, clothes, games kit and other property must be clearly marked with the owner's name.
  • Loss of property must be checked for in The Hub and reported to the Form Teacher immediately
  • Money or valuables should not be left in cloakrooms, changing rooms etc. or in coats and blazers not being worn
  • Mobile phones, tablets, electronic devices etc. are brought into school at the student’s own risk.  Please see the school’s policy at the bottom of this page for more details. While at school mobile phones and other digital / electronic devices must be kept switched off and out of sight between 8:40am and 3:35pm.
  • Lockers with keys are available for all students – parents will be asked to sign a user agreement form.

How will the school contact me?

The EduLink and SIMS InTouch systems allow a two way method of communication between school and parents and guardians.  This system uses text messages and email to inform carers of important school information, training days, parents’ evenings and other events along with student report cards.

If a student is absent from school, a text message will be sent to the carers of absent students who have given no prior explanation for absence.  The communication is sent before 10am every day by Student Services.

To enable us to communicate to you in this way we do need to have your most up-to-date mobile phone number, email address and home telephone number.

Parents and guardians can also use EduLink One app to see their child's timetable, achievement points and behaviour points. 

What is The School Club?

All boys belong to The School Club, which helps to fund the school magazine, the calendar, and school clubs, societies and sports fixtures.  Since all boys benefit from The Club, they are asked to contribute to it annually, based on a figure decided upon by a committee of pupils and staff. This year's figure is £25

How can I contact my son's form tutor?

The best way to contact your son’s form tutor will be by email. Please wait until the start of term before emailing your son’s tutor in order to allow them to have a well-earned summer break.

Are there any other pupils who live near me who I can get in touch with?

It is quite likely that there are other students who live near you, however due to data protection we are unable to share such information. As the term begins and students and parents begin to establish contact with each other, you may find other families who are local and initiate contact with them yourselves.

What form will I be in? 

You will be sent a letter which will tell you which form you will be in. You stay in the same form throughout Year 7 to 11. When you know which form you will be in, more information can be found here.

How do I know what I need to bring each day? 

Every day, you must bring your planner and your pencil case with you. In your pencil case, you must have two blue or black pens, two pencils, a pencil sharpener, a rubber, a green pen and a ruler. On your first day of school, you will be giving your timetable of lessons. To know what books to bring, you must refer to your timetable to see which lessons you have. Exercise books/textbooks will be given out in your first lesson for each subject. For more information about what to bring on your first day, please see the information here.  

What is a planner? 

A planner is a sort of diary in which you will record the homework that you are given. It may also be used by your teachers to send messages home and by your parents to share messages with the school. You must get your planner signed by your parents at the end of every week. Your form tutor will also sign your planner to help you keep on top of your organisation. You can find more information about your planner in the Induction Booklet.  

What are Achievement Points and Behaviour Points? 

Achievement Points are given for excellent and exceptional work, partaking in school life and outstanding behaviour in lessons and around the school. There are rewards for getting to milestones of Achievement Points.  

Behaviour Points are given for breaking the behaviour code within the school. There is more information about the behaviour expected here. If you receive a large amount of Behaviour Points you will receive consequences such as detentions. 

For those boys that gain Achievement Points and accrue few Behaviour Points, there are rewards trips and events at the end of some of the terms.  

What extra-curricular activities can I take part in? 

There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities from football, cricket and rugby to chess club and comic club. These mostly run at lunchtime. You will be advised of clubs that are running via email and notices during form time when the school term starts.  

What do I do if my child is ill and can’t attend school? 

Please click  here.

What is Curriculum Enhancement (every other Thursday)? 

“Curriculum Enhancement” is the name given to Thursdays in Week 2. There are no lessons on this afternoon, and instead pupils are given the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities to expand their skills and horizons. There is also the possibility to go home early on this day. You will be given the opportunity to sign up to an activity in the new school term.  

Where can I find out the school term dates? 

Please see the information here.  

What are the school rules?

A detailed list of rewards, sanctions and rules we have in place to ensure that we remain a calm, caring and cooperative school, with members demonstrating respect for all, can be found amongst of the documents at the bottom of this page.  

Where can I purchase school uniform?

Information is available on the "Uniform" page in the Year 7 Induction Section

What stationery do I need ?

Stationery required in Maths:

  • Pens (blue/black)
  • Pencils (HB)
  • Ruler*
  • Rubber*
  • Sharpener*
  • Protractor*
  • Pair of compasses*

*can be purchased as part of a maths set for approximately £2. 

Stationery required for other subjects:

  • Highlighters
  • Colouring pencils
  • Glue stick
  • Pens Blue/Black/Red/Green
  • Pencil (HB)
  • Ruler
  • Rubber


What do I do if I have allergies or an Epipen?

If you have asthma you must carry around your inhaler at all times, and it is your responsibility to do this. We are also happy to hold a spare in First Aid and our Medical Needs' Officer will also be in touch for consent if you need to use school's spare one.

If you have an Epipen, you need to carry this around with you at all times, and again we are happy hold a spare in First Aid. 

If you stated that you have any medical needs on any of the induction forms, our Medical Needs' Officer will be in touch with you over the coming weeks to discuss any special arrangements you may need to be put in place.

Can I stay for sixth form at King Edward Aston?

Yes, of course you can, as long as you achieve the qualifying grades at GCSE. Please refer to the sixth form admissions page in the school website; be aware that the entry requirements may change for future years.

How do I get to school?

You can use the Endeavour Coaches service. Although it is classed as a school service, it is run independently. You can find details by contacting Endeavour Coaches here

You can also catch public transport, either bus or train, and you will need to contact West Midlands trains and West Midlands buses for further information.

Also, some pupils get lifts with their parents or with parents of other students because they arrange some sort of car share.

Will I have a locker to keep my books and personal items in?

Yes, you can have one. There is a cost of £4 to purchase a padlock and information about this will be sent out towards the end of July.

When will I find out my house colours?

Information about this will hopefully be sent out to you before the school year ends.  We have 5 houses, all named after old headmasters and each has a colour associated with it: Brandon is green; Floyd, blue; Hawley, silver; Manton is yellow and Temperley is maroon.

Will dinner money be paid via an App?

We use Parent Pay and details will be sent to you to log on to your account towards the end of July. We also use EduLink One so that Achievement and Behaviour Points can be tracked and personal information (e.g. phone numbers and email addresses) can be kept up to date.

When will Year 7 start in September?

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Are mobiles and laptops allowed to be brought into school?

Mobiles can be brought onto the school site but at your own risk. Please refer to the school's behaviour policy as we have some strict rules about where and when mobile phones can be used and how they must be stored when not being used. 

No laptops need to be brought to school. There are laptops for use in some lessons and these will be provided by your teacher when they are required.

If I am catching an Endeavour Coach to school, where do I get dropped off and collected?

The coach  will drop you off at the turning circle outside the top gate. It will also collect you from here at the end of the school day.

Members of staff are on duty before and after school on the driveway. After school, they will call out the coach numbers when they arrive, so it is very important you are listening out for them to know when your coach has arrived.

Does Aston have a swimming pool and tennis courts?

We do have tennis courts at Trinity Road our sports field, but unfortunately, we do not have a swimming pool.

How many students are in each Year?

In Year 7, there are 140 students in the whole year group so 5 forms of 28 pupils. This is the same throughout Year 7 to 11.

How many sports are we allowed to participate in?

As many as you want to and that are available.

Are there after school clubs or just clubs at lunchtimes?

There are extra-curricula clubs at both lunchtimes and after school, but after school clubs are mainly sporting clubs. Information will be provided in September with the full schedule that will be available.

Is there a prayer room?

Yes, we do try and provide prayer rooms where possible. Sometimes they will not be available depending on room requirements around school. 

How many musical instruments can you play and when can you apply?

You can play as many instruments as you wish to, but you will need to remember that if you have instrumental lessons in school you will miss some lesson time. You can apply now and information has been sent out to parents about the music schedule, instruments you can play and costs.

What subjects will you study?

The subjects are listed in the subject induction page.

What are the starting and finishing times of that day?

Pupils are expected in school for 8.30am and registration is from 8.40. The school day ends at 3.35pm.