Extra-curricular activities are a key feature in a student’s time at Aston. They play an important role in broadening his personal and cultural development.
There are numerous extra-curricular opportunities for students to participate in before school, during lunchtime or after school for all ages and all abilities. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities outside of their timetabled curriculum lessons. Each year this includes trips, sports competitions, residentials, visiting speakers, STEM experiences and theatre companies, as well as weekly clubs which are advertised to the student every term. From sporting and creative activities to academic societies there is something to interest everyone.
There is also the opportunity for students start new activities if they do not exist, although a friendly member of staff is needed to support the activity.
Pupils at Aston also have the option of remaining in school or leaving school on alternate Thursday afternoons, which occurs on week 2 of the timetable. Please explore the section called 'Curriculum Enhancement Programme' to find out more.