Statutory information and policies
School contact details
King Edward VI Aston School, Frederick Road, Aston, B6 6DJ
Tel.: 0121 327 1130
Reception staff - Mrs Hadley and Mrs Hussan
For queries please ring our reception at the above number or e-mail the following address (e-mails will be forwarded to the most appropriate person):
Headteacher - Mr M Brady
School opening hours
School reception opening hours, Mon to Thurs - 7.30 am - 4.25 pm
School reception opening hours Fri - 7.30 am - 4.15 pm
Timetabled hours (including curriculum enhancement)(Mon - Fri) - 8.40 am - 3.35pm
Chair of Aston's governing body
Mr D Roberts
The Schools of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham, Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2UD
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Assistant Head: Mr M Downing
Deputy DSLs:
- Director of inclusion/Year Leader: Mrs S Blundell
- Deputy Headteacher: Miss R Pierce
- Assistant Headteacher: Mr S Hall
- Year leader: Mrs Simcox
- Year leader: Ms E Ritson
The Data Protection Lead
The Data Protection officer for the Academy trust is "GDPR Sentry".
Phone: 0121 4721147
The Data Protection Lead for Aston is Mrs K Lally
Telephone: 0121 3271130
GDPR information and privacy notices
Please click here to access the GDPR information and AT privacy notices
King Edward VI Aston School is part of the King Edward VI Multi-academy Trust (MAT)
King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham, Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2UD
Tel.: 0121 472 1147
Admission arrangements
School admission policy: (link can be found on
King Edward VI Aston School catchment map (link to
This information may also be accessed on the Birmingham local Authority’s composite prospectus published at –
Ofsted reports
Click on the link to see the School’s latest Ofsted reports
Please click on this link to find the DfE School Comparison Site which includes information on the school’s most recent key stage 4 results.
Exam and assessment results
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
2020 and 2021 Summer examinations were cancelled, so results were assigned using centre assessment and teacher assessment respectively. There were no government created benchmarks for 2020 or 2021 results.
Key Stage 4 results: 2023-24
Progress 8 Score |
0.14 |
Attainment 8 score |
69.3 |
Percentage of pupils achieving grade 5 or above in Maths and English |
97.83% |
Percentage of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate |
55.8% |
EBacc average Point Score |
6.39 |
Percentage of pupils staying in education or training or employment after KS4 for atleast 2 terms (KS4 destinations 2022 leavers) | 98% |
Key stage 5 (16 to 18) results: 2023-24
Level 3 Value Added | Not published |
Average grade | B- |
Academic Points | 37.69 |
Student retention (percentage of pupils who completed their A Level study) | 97% |
Student destination(percentage of students who continue into education, employment or training | 83% |
Performance tables
The latest school performance tables summarised above can be found here.
Exam policy
Click here to access documents related to the exam policy.
Click here to view our KS3, KS4 and KS5 curriculum offer
Click here to view subject specific curriculum information
Pupil premium and recovery funding
Pupil premium and recovery funding strategy 2023-24
King Edward VI Foundation Promise
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
Click here to view the statement on special educational needs and disability provision
Click here for SEND information about our school and for further information about Birmingham schools SEND local offer.
Special Educational Needs (SEND) co-ordinator:
- Mrs V Davies
Special Educational Needs (SEND) governor:
- Mr D Roberts
Please address any queries to the school address or e-mail
Careers programme information
Click here for our careers page
Equality, Diversity, eliminating discrimination and accessibility plan
Click here for the Academy Trust EDI motto
Click here to view the Equality objectives plan
Click here to view the the Academy Trust Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy
Click here to view the accessibility audit
Click here to view Equality, Diversity, Disability, Discrimination and the accessibility plan
Complaints policy
King Edward VI Academy Trust Complaints Policy
The Academy Trust statutory documents
Click here to view the following:
- Annual Accounts
- Financial Information/Executive Pay
- Whistle Blowing Policy
Financial Benchmarking
Click here to view the school's financial benchmarking
Trustees’ information and duties
Please click here to access governor's register of business interests, attendance record and membership information.
Charging and remissions policy
Click here to view the charging and remissions policy
Ethos and values
Requests for copies
Should you require a paper copy of any school policy or document, please contact .