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Thursday Pursuits


Formerly known as:  Curriculum Enhancement Programme


As you are aware, on week 2 Thursday afternoons, conventional school is replaced with ‘Curriculum Enhancement’; an afternoon of enrichment activities run by specialists.  These opportunities are intended to broaden your child’s experience of the curriculum and introduce them to new skills, knowledge and experiences.  However, from September 2024, a limited provision is being offered from 2.45-3.35pm or 2.45-4.30pm.  Alternatively, your child can leave school at 2.45pm to continue their learning from home for the afternoon. 

If you opt for your child to remain in school, a one-off, non-refundable, annual payment of £30 is required and students must commit to attending every session.  Failure to attend regularly hinders progress and development and denies other students a chance to participate.

Absence Reporting

Parents are urged to encourage their child to attend every session to benefit from the programme.  If your child is absent, or due to be absent, please email Ms Noreen on at least 2 days in advance.  Last minute email requests will not be accepted unless there is an emergency.

Dates of workshops 2024 - 2025 

The sessions run throughout the academic year on CE Thursday afternoons from 2.45-3.35pm or 2.45-4.30pm 

The dates are as follows: 

Autumn Term 2024:

12, 26 September 

10, 24 October

14, 28 November

12 December

Spring Term 2025:

9, 23 January 

6, 27 February 

13, 27 March 

10 April

Summer Term 2025

8, 22 May 

12, 26 June

10 July  

If you have any queries, please email Ms Noreen on

The following is a list of some of the courses we are running subject to review in the summer of 2024: 

  • Art Club
  • Aston Villa Football
  • Kickboxing
  • British Sign Language
  • Building Fitness & Resilience
  • Chess Club
  • Coding Club
  • Community Apprentice
  • Debating Club
  • Dhol Drumming
  • Engineering
  • Gym
  • Hockey
  • Kickboxing
  • Learning Support Craft Club
  • Theartre/Drama
  • Warhammer
  • Wing Tjun

Please refer to the monthly school newsletter for regular feedback and experiences of pupils on the courses listed above.