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7H - Hawley

Hello, my name is Miss Greenaway, and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to King Edward VI Aston and especially to 7H.

Aston is an exciting place to be, and you should be proud of yourself for gaining a place here. You will be part of Hawley House. Hawley is the newest house, only established in 2017, so you will be helping to set the standard of our house for years to come! Hawley House, like the other houses in the school, is named after a previous headmaster of the school. Mr. Hawley was headmaster from 1970-1984.

I remember what a big step moving from primary school to secondary school feels like and it can be quite daunting at first. However, rest assured, as your form tutor, you will have me here to guide you every step of the way - no questions are too many. There will be quite a few changes to get used to, such as new teachers, new friends, and new routines. As I only joined King Edward VI Aston during September 2023, I can tell you all the tips I have learnt regarding not getting confused with buildings and making the most out of your time here at Aston, amongst other things. I know as part of the 7H team we will all get through this new chapter together.

As your form tutor you will see me every morning for registration and form period. During registration, I will check uniform, let you know of any key announcements that will help you during the week and check your homework planner. Keeping on top of homework is important here at Aston, not only to help your knowledge develop but outstanding homework can be rewarded with achievement points (which can result in constant rewards throughout your school life).

Achievement points are an exciting way to highlight your excellence throughout your day-to-day school life. These are rewarded by staff members. You will be able to gain achievement points for several reasons from excellent effort during lesson to displaying a school core value to attending an extra-curricular club. We also do have a behaviour point policy for displaying the opposite attitude of what is expected; however, I know as a member of 7H this is something we will not have to worry about.

Here at Aston, we want you to have a good balance of an academic life along with extracurricular. There will be many clubs available for you to try from chess to choir to a brand-new club – 3D printing and many more. Along with these amazing clubs you will also be able join sports clubs and have a chance to represent the Hawley house in house competitions.

I hope this has put your mind to ease and given you a sense of excitement for what September holds.

I look forward to meeting you.

Miss Greenaway