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Pastoral Care

Our school is founded on the principles of respecting the dignity and rights of each and every individual.  Respectful relationships are at the core of our school community, allowing everyone to respect and understand those they meet. It is our aim that we all develop the skills needed to embrace the responsibilities of being an outstanding learner and an active citizen.

As well as academic excellence, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities and a pastoral system that supports the needs of all our students, whether it be academically, socially, emotionally or in any other area that a child may need support.  We have a safe, happy and caring community in which pupils thrive. Our pastoral care is underpinned by good relationships between staff, parents and pupils.

We have a strong pastoral system which consists of form tutors and year leaders.  As well as the form tutors and year leaders, we also have a number of other people who support pupils in school, including learning support, student support, SENCO and the senior leadership team.  These adults all work hard to build our pupils’ self-esteem, resilience and independence, to not only support them in school but also prepare them for later life.

In year 7 the pastoral team aims to make your son’s transition into secondary education as smooth and enjoyable as possible.  In years 8 and 9 you have the same year leader, who forms excellent and lasting relationships with both parents and pupils during the formative years at school.  Once the pupils move into years 10 and 11 the pastoral leader’s role is to support pupils through their GCSE years and prepare them for the next steps in their educational journey (in year 12 and 13). All pastoral leaders care for the pupils’ welfare and offer advice and guidance, as well as monitor their academic progress and achievements both in and out of school.

Who to contact?

If you have a pastoral concern, your son’s form tutor is the first port of call. You can do this via edulink, his planner or email. If the form tutor cannot successfully deal with the concern, or the matter is more serious, then the next link in the chain is the year leader. These year leaders will liaise as necessary with the assistant head in charge of the pastoral system (who is also the Designated Safeguarding Lead).  Please contact the DSL if you have a safeguarding concern, alternatively you can share information via the SHARP System (School Help Advice Reporting Page System).

Please follow the escalation process appropriately.  In any e-mail communication, please state your son’s full name, who you are, and indicate what the issue is, to aid the staff member who will respond to you. Please be mindful that staff can be teaching all day, running clubs at lunchtime or be in meetings, so a response during the school day is not always possible.

Year leaders can be contacted via, stating which year leader you wish to contact. 

Heads of Year:

Head of Year 7: Miss. Greenaway
Head of Year 8: Ms. Mound
Head of Year 9: Mr Amin
Head of Year 10: Mrs. Simcox
Head of Year 11: Mr Perwez
Head of Years 12 and 13: Mr Wright-Smith