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King Edward VI Aston School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students,  and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Staff are vigilant and trained, and are confident in applying our safeguarding and child protection procedures. Our first priority is your son’s welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concerns about your child means that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you.

The procedures we follow have been laid down by Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership (see link below). As a result, we may also have to provide your son’s data to statutory bodies where it is considered necessary. The links below can be used by staff, students and parents alike to aid all in keeping the boys in our school safe. If you want to know more about these procedures, please speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Downing.

We have also signed up to the Birmingham Schools' Pledge:

  • Our School is founded on the principles of respecting the dignity and rights of each and every individual.
  • Respectful relationships are at the core of our school community, allowing everyone to respect those they meet and to understand.
  • It is our aim that we all develop the skills needed to embrace the responsibilities of being an outstanding learner, an active citizen and make Birmingham a great place to grow up in.

Reporting safeguarding concerns

Please get in touch with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Downing: if you have a safeguarding concern about one of our students. Alternatively, you can share information (confidentially if you wish) via the SHARP System (School Help Advice Reporting Page System)

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership - If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person, you can also contact the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS):- 0121 303 1888 / or via secure email:

CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command If you have been the victim of child abuse, or you are worried about somebody else, let a child protection advisor know securely by following this link.

Operation Encompass letter to parents - Please see below for further details.

Kooth Online Support Service

'We are really pleased to share with you important and fantastic news that has been commissioned by Birmingham Children’s Partnership.  The award-winning service and innovative online counselling and support service is now available to all young people aged 11-25 across Birmingham.
It is a safe, confidential and anonymous way for young people to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support.  Kooth is widely used across the country and is well rated by young people.  Kooth is linked into the wider mental health support from Forward Thinking Birmingham and offers:

  • Online mental health counselling and chat services from midday to 10pm during the week, and 6pm to 10pm at weekends
  • Peer to peer support through moderated discussion forums
  • Self-care tools and resources to build resilience
  • Early response to and identification of emotional wellbeing and mental health problems
  • And there are no waiting lists, referrals or thresholds to access the service

As ever if we can support you further in any way then do not hesitate to get in touch.  Stay safe and healthy.'

Additional Information for Parents:

Surviving and Thriving - Family Wellbeing

Click here to access the King Edward VI Foundation' wellbeing advice for you and your family. 

Childline - 'We all feel it'

Childline is here for young people of all genders. But we know that some people find it harder to talk about their mental health than others, and this can leave them feeling isolated or alone.  Whatever’s going on inside, #WeAllFeelIt, and we can help you get it out.                                                                                                                                                                                           

The Waiting Room - Health and Wellbeing Services for Birmingham and Solihull

The Waiting Room provides Health and Wellbeing Services at your fingertips, an alternative approach to taking control of our own health and well-being. It is a virtual bridge across “The Information Chasm” that connects support services to the recipient almost instantly.

The Waiting Room - Health and Wellbeing services at your finger tips – Birmingham & Solihull (

Kooth online service

Feel like you have lost your routine and / or need to improve your mental well being, access free, safe and anonymous support by signing - up to

Online Safety Advice 2021

Click here to access the DITTO website which provides excellent up to date advice on keeping children safe online.

Click here to access their most recent newsletter