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7T - Temperley

Hello and welcome to Temperley House!

My name is Mrs Boyce, and I will be your form tutor. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to King Edward VI Aston and especially to our form, 7T.

During your time here at Aston, you will be part of Temperley House, which was named after the very first headmaster of the school. You will represent your house in many different competitions against other students from the other four houses. These competitions are varied; there are plenty of sporting events but also more academic challenges too, so there will be something for everyone to take part in.

Moving from primary school to secondary school (and especially to a grammar school like this one), is a big step and can be quite daunting at first. As your form tutor, together with Mrs Ologunde on a Wednesday, I will be there to help you through any challenges that you may face, support you through this transition and also to celebrate with you when you succeed. There will be lots of changes – new teachers, new routines, new friends and new expectations – but with focus and determination I am sure that you will flourish during your secondary education at our school.

Here at Aston you must try your very best in all that you do and ask for help when you need it. We do have high expectations here of organisation, hard work, diligence, respect and the highest standards of behaviour and attitude. Subject teachers, pastoral and support staff and your peers are here to support you within and outside of lessons.

There are a variety of extra curricular activities to get involved in that range from academic support, sporting clubs and other enrichment such as choir. Getting involved in the wider life of the school will develop your whole self, ensuring that you have a rich and rounded education.

You have earnt your place in this school and this is something you should be proud of. I do hope that you will endeavour to make the most of each and every opportunity here at Aston.

I look forward to meeting you in September.

Mrs K Boyce