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Welcome to German at Aston!

This year, every pupil in Year 7 will be learning German, as well as French or Mandarin, until at least Year 9.

In Year 7, we cover lots of important linguistic basics, building the foundation for future learning in Years 8, 9, GCSE & beyond! We cover topics like, Me and My Family, My Free Time and Hobbies, and School.


Learning a language however is not JUST about the linguistic side. It is vitally important to learn about the culture and traditions of German-speaking countries so we make sure that you have the opportunity to engage in some cultural activities such as:

• Watching German films or television programs (in German with English subtitles)

• Cultural projects / lessons at key points in the year (Christmas, New Year, Easter, etc)

• Learning about the geography of German-speaking nations


Formal assessment takes place twice a year, but there will be regular mini assessments in lessons too. Over the year, you will be assessed on 6 key skills:

  • Reading in German
  • Listening in German
  • Writing in German
  • Speaking in German
  • Translation to English and German
  • Vocabulary Learning

You will usually be set vocabulary learning as homework, with a spelling and meaning test during the following fortnight to check that you have done your learning properly. Vocabulary is so important in languages – it is the foundation of being able to understand and communicate in any language!

How you can prepare for starting German at Aston:

  1. Complete the Year 7 Induction German Challenge task! ☺ You will be very surprised at how much German you can already understand.
  2. Learn the numbers from 1-100 if you can! Use this link: German numbers
  3. Learn some basic greetings like hello, how are you, goodbye. Use this link: German greetings. You could also use Duolingo for some practice.