School life
The well-being and safety of our students are paramount and form the foundation for our entire way of school life. We place great importance on students feeling safe and secure at school; it is only then that students will be able to achieve their academic potential. The school is conscious of all individual needs, and is able to address those needs in a way that students can feel happy inside and outside the classroom.
All students are members of a form, which in turn is part of the house structure. The five houses, named after the first five headmasters of Aston (Temperley, Floyd, Manton, Brandon and Hawley), are integral to the identity of students at Aston. Students compete for their houses in both sporting and academic events. This allows students of different ages to get to know each other, to integrate quickly and offers a myriad of opportunities for leadership and participation. Students are fiercely proud of their houses and this pervades their time at Aston.
Each form is supported by a form tutor who is responsible for the day-to-day pastoral care of the students; with each year group having a year leader along with a member of the school’s leadership team who has overall responsibility for pastoral matters at school. Students are rewarded for excellent effort and achievement with achievement points which contribute towards termly certificates and twice-yearly rewards afternoons. Parents can use Edulink to access information about their son’s achievement and behaviour points and work in partnership with the school to offer care and guidance.
The school has a well-established Special Educational Needs department, with a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Deputy SENCO and teaching assistants to support those students with individual learning needs. We have an inclusive and proactive approach to support students with special educational needs to be fully integrated into the life of the school. More information along with school’s policy can be found on the website. All of our students are gifted, many with unconventional talents. It is our job to discover these talents through a rich spectrum of opportunities and chances and to give our students direction and opportunities to flourish and realise their full potential. Our philosophy of an inclusive approach to identifying gifts and talents and nurturing students as they develop these permeate all aspects of the life of the school.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Our first priority is your son’s welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concerns about your child mean that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures we follow have been laid down by Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board. As a result, we may also have to disclose your son’s personal data to statutory bodies where it is considered necessary and within the Data Protection Act. If you want to know more about these child protection and related procedures, please speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Downing.
Our provision is designed to nurture and support students, and develop in them the confidence to offer the same to others, a certainty that they will be ready to confront and resolve any difficulties they encounter, and the self-belief to carry them through. We want our students to take away this ability to face life’s challenges with calm assurance.