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Curriculum and Assessments

Our curriculum intent

At King Edward VI Aston School we believe that the curriculum is the key driver of progress for all students. On leaving the school we expect Aston students to be articulate, well-rounded and well-educated young men who understand the importance of our core values. The curriculum will enable all learners to become independent thinkers with the confidence and resilience to thrive in the 21st century.

Success at Aston rests on three core pillars:

Achievement through the taught curriculum

Enjoyment through the enriched curriculum

Personal development through our shared values

• The curriculum will have a general ethos of embracing challenge, high expectations and deeper learning.

• Learning will often go beyond the specification and challenge students to think tangentially.

• Departments will provide a broad and creative curriculum which regularly interleaves prior learning into current learning.

• Students will regularly contribute excellent ideas and questions in class, where there is an overwhelming culture of  academic achievement; aspiration is seen as the norm.

• Students will have access to a varied range of extra-curricular clubs, groups and teams, both within and beyond the core day.

• Through student leadership and council, students will offer reasoned views about moral and ethical issues.

• Students will take pride in representing their school at all levels.

• Students will choose to participate in curriculum enhancement opportunities on alternate Thursday afternoons.

• There will be a rich and varied programme of educational visits for all.

• Honesty will drive students'’ sense of a moral purpose and encourage clarity of thought and deed.

•Diligence will drive students’ collective understanding of the benefits to be derived from hard work and collaboration.

•Kindness will improve students’ understanding of different faiths, cultures and orientations.

•Integrity will help students understand the importance of values-based decision-making.



Please see the document below for an overview of our curriculum allocation.

Whilst taught lessons are the foundation of the curriculum, all pupils participate in our house competitions and have numerous opportunities to participate in education visits, lectures and practical learning experiences in and out of school. We have an extensive extra-curricular timetable and encourage pupils to extend their scholarly and leadership skills through our in-house Astonian Awards.