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Suspension information

Your rights post suspensions or permanent exclusions 

The rights available to you post suspensions or exclusions depend on the length of the exclusion/suspension issued. Please see the most appropriate section below. 


For a suspension of fewer than 5 days:  

You can let the governing board know your views  

You have the right to let the board know what your views are on the suspension and to tell them any other information which you think is relevant. This is called ‘making a representation’.   

The board has a duty to consider any representation you make. However, it can’t direct our school to reinstate your child and isn’t required to meet with you.   

You can make a representation by getting in touch with our governing board, which you can do by emailing The Clerk the Governing Body, Ms T Lynch at and letting them know that you’d like to make a representation,   along with any other details you feel are relevant at this stage.  


For a suspension of more than 5 days but fewer than 15 days:  

You can ask the governing board to consider reinstating your child at school  

You have the right to ask the governing board to consider reinstating your child at the school. You can do this by emailing The Clerk the Governing Body, Ms T Lynch at 

If you request this, the board must hold a meeting to consider reinstating your child within 50 school days of being told about their suspension.   

If you don’t request a meeting, the governing board does not have to consider reinstating your child but may choose to do so anyway.  

You can let the governing board know your views  

You have the right to let the board know what your views are on the suspension and to tell them any other information which   you think is relevant. This is called ‘making a representation’.  

 You can do this by getting in touch with the board, which you can do by emailing The Clerk the Governing Body, Ms T Lynch at and letting them know that you’d like to make a representation, along with any other   details you feel are relevant at this stage.   

 We will then invite you to a meeting with the governing board and the headteacher and a representative of the local authority.   

 You have the right to:   

  • Attend the meeting yourself   
  • Arrange (at your own expense) to be represented at the meeting  
  • Bring a friend    
  • Request that the meeting is held via remote access

 Your child can be involved in this process if you both wish. 


For a suspension of more than 15 days and permanent exclusion:  

The governing board must consider reinstating your child at school  

Our school’s governing board must consider reinstating your child at our school within 15 school days of being told about their suspension or permanent exclusion.  

If the suspension or permanent exclusion would result in a pupil missing a public examination or National Curriculum test, the governing board must, if reasonably practicable, do this before the date of your child’s examination or National Curriculum test.   

You have the right to let the governing board know what your views are on the suspension or permanent exclusion and to tell them any other information which you think is relevant. This is called ‘making a representation’. The board has a duty to consider any representation you make.   

You can do this by contacting emailing The Clerk the Governing Body, Ms T Lynch at and letting them know that you’d like to make a representation, along with any other details you feel are relevant at this stage.  

We will invite you to a meeting with the governing board and the headteacher. 

 You have the right to:   

  • Attend the meeting yourself   
  • Bring a friend   
  • Arrange (at your own expense) to be represented at the meeting    
  • Request that the meeting is held via remote access                                                                                                                         

Your child can be involved in this process if you both wish.  

Note: Where possible and appropriate, a managed move to another school may be offered as an alternative to students facing permanent exclusion, however, this cannot be guaranteed.